Meeting Votes

July 16 - 19, 2012

Logistics Agenda Presentations Attendance Votes Notes

Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
Yes No Abstain Miss

  1. Vote Topic: #340: C/Fortran predefined datatypes for C++ types (1st-and-only)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    19 0 2

  2. Vote Topic: #187: Grouping MPI_AINT, MPI_OFFSET, MPI_COUNT as Multi-language types (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  3. Vote Topic: #192: C++ binding for Dist_graph_neighbors_count is badly broken (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    19 1 1

  4. Vote Topic: #256: MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for MPI_PROBE and MPI_IPROBE not directly defined (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  5. Vote Topic: #271: Functions to query MPI_Info object attached to windows and communicators (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  6. Vote Topic: #278: Update examples to not use deprecated constructs (where possible) (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  7. Vote Topic: #281: Remove C++ Bindings (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    15 4 2

  8. Vote Topic: #294: MPI_UNWEIGHTED should not be NULL (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  9. Vote Topic: #300: Fix issue with definition of nonblocking in One Sided Chapter (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1

  10. Vote Topic: #303: Move MPI-1 deprecated functions to new 'Removed Interfaces' chapter (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    16 2 3

  11. Vote Topic: #313: MPI_INIT & MPI_FINALIZE (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    17 1 3

  12. Vote Topic: #317: correct error related to MPI_REQUEST_FREE (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    19 0 2

  13. Vote Topic: #328: fix MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for mprobe/improbe/mrecv/imrecv (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    20 0 1