This list is updated manually and may not contain the most recent registrations.
- Pavan Balaji - Argonne National Laboratory
- Brian Barrett - Sandia National Laboratory
- Purushotham Bangalore - U. Alabama Birmingham
- Darius Buntinas - Argonne National Laboratory
- Mohamad Chaarawi - HDF Group
- James Dinan - Argonne National Laboratory
- Terry Dontje - Oracle
- David Goodell - Argonne National Laboratory
- Manjunath Gorentla Venkata - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Richard Graham - Mellanox
- Bill Gropp - U. Illinois
- Jeff Hammond - Argonne National Laboratory
- Nathan Heljm - Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Torsten Hoefler - Indiana U.
- Hideyuki Jitsumoto - University of Tokyo
- Scott McMillan - Intel
- Kathryn Mohror - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Adam Moody - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Tomotake Nakamura - Riken AICS
- Sreeram Potluri - Ohio State U.
- Howard Pritchard - Cray
- Rolf Rabenseifner - HLRS
- Martin Schulz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Anthony Skjellum - U. Alabama Birmingham
- Brian Smith - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- David Solt - IBM
- Jeff Squyres - Cisco
- Shinji Sumumoto - Fujitsu
- Anh Vo - Microsoft
- Bronis de Supinski - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Registered Orgs:
- OOE Orgs:
- IMOVE Orgs: