Meeting Votes
June 29, 2020 - July 01, 2020
Logistics | Agenda | Presentations | Attendance | Votes | Notes |
Registered: 37
OOE: 31
Votes needed for individual vote quorum:
Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
OOE: 31
Votes needed for individual vote quorum:
Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
Yes | No | Abstain |
- Vote Topic: #6: Update on Release Process to adjust to existing GitHub Workflow (procedure)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #7: Officer Election (procedure)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #96: Semantic Terms (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #137: The Embiggenment (BigCount) (1st)
Yes No Abstain Result 30 0 1
- Vote Topic: #103: MPI Sessions (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 28 0 3
- Vote Topic: #143: Creating an MPI_INFO_ENV object before MPI_INIT. (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #132: Hardware split, guided mode. (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 29 0 2
- Vote Topic: #156: Hardware split, unguided mode. (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 27 2 2
- Vote Topic: #136: Partitioned Point-to-Point Communication (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 23 2 6
- Vote Topic: #122: Intro nonblocking, no serialization and no deadlocks (2nd)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #167: Dan - Error - Section 3.3.2 - p. 38 - Replace C process (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #252: Dan - Clarification - Section 3.2.2 - p. 27 - Datatype Footnote (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #190: Dan - Update - Section 3.7.5 - p. 60 - Replace C-bias with LIS (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #263: Wesley - Clarification - Section 11.7 - p. 482 - MPI Exception Clarification (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 30 1 0
- Vote Topic: #181: George - Oversight - Section 8.7 - p. 383 - Escape Spaces in Arguments (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #254: George - Clarification - Example 4.17 - p. 128 - Example Comment (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #96: Semantic Terms 2 (no-no)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #179: Joseph - Omission - p. 440 - WIN_DETATCH Binding Fix (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #178: Joseph - Omission - p. 439 - WIN_ATTACH_ Binding Fix (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #167: Dan - Error - Section 3.3.2 - p. 38 - Replace C process (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #252: Dan - Clarification - Section 3.2.2 - p. 27 - Datatype Footnote (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #190: Dan - Update - Section 3.7.5 - p. 60 - Replace C-bias with LIS (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #218: Wesley - Update - Section 17.1 - p. 635 - Update Backward Incompatibility Text (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #262: Wesley - Clarification - Section 11.3.5 - p. 458 - Error in Status Field Clarification (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: (WITHDRAWN) #263: Wesley - Clarification - Section 11.7 - p. 482 - MPI Exception Clarification (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 0 0 0
- Vote Topic: #171: George - Error in text - Section 4.1.1 - p. 87 - INTEGER*8 Extension (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 27 2 2
- Vote Topic: #181: George - Oversight - Section 8.7 - p. 383 - Escape Spaces in Arguments (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 30 0 1
- Vote Topic: #254: George - Clarification - Example 4.17 - p. 128 - Example Comment (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #257: Julien - Clarification - Section 5.1 - p. 144 - Collective Synchronization (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0
- Vote Topic: #182: Julien - Question - Section 5.12.4 - p. 206 - MPI_ISCATTERV sendcounts and displs Consistency (errata)
Yes No Abstain Result 31 0 0