This list is updated manually and may not contain the most recent registrations.
- Alexey Malhanov - Intel Corporation
- Alice Koniges - LBNL
- Anthony Skjellum - Auburn University
- Atsushi Hori - RIKEN AICS
- George Bosilca - University of Tennessee
- Dan Holmes - EPCC
- Guillaume Mercier - Inria
- Hoang-Vu Dang - UIUC
- Hubert Ritzdorf - NEC
- Jean-Baptiste Besnard - ParaTools SAS
- Kathryn Mohror - LLNL
- Ken Raffenetti - Argonne National Laboratory
- Marc Perache - CEA
- Marc-André Hermanns - Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Martin Schulz - Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab.
- Nathan Hjelm - Los Alamos National Lab
- Pavan Balaji - Argonne National Laboratory
- Richard Graham - Mellanox Technologies
- Rolf Rabenseifner - HLRS
- Ryan Grant - Sandia National Laboratories
- Sameer Kumar - IBM
- Shinji Sumimoto - Fujitsu
- Takeshi Nanri - Kyushu University
- William Gropp - University of Illinois
- Registered Orgs:
- OOE Orgs:
- IMOVE Orgs: