This list is updated manually and may not contain the most recent registrations.
- Tatsuya Abe - Riken AICS
- Tomoya Adachi - Fujitsu
- Brian Barrett - Sandia National Laboratory
- George Bosilca - U. Tennessee, Knoxville
- Balazs Gerofi - Riken AICS
- David Goodell - Argonne National Laboratory
- Manjunath Gorentla Venkata - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Richard Graham - Mellanox
- Bill Gropp - U. Illinois
- Jennifer Herrett-Skjellum - RunTime Computing Solutions
- Torsten Hoefler - Indiana U.
- Atsushi Hori - Riken AICS
- Hideyuki Jitsumoto - University of Tokyo
- Takahiro Kawashima - Fujitsu
- Scott McMillan - Intel
- Guillaume Mercier - INRIA
- Tomotake Nakamura - Riken AICS
- Takeshi Nanri - Kyushu U.
- Swann Perarnau - Riken AICS
- Kuninobu Sasaki - Microsoft
- Martin Schulz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Anthony Skjellum - UAB
- David Solt - IBM
- Shinji Sumimoto - Fujitsu
- Masamichi Takagi - NEC Corp.
- Min Xie - National U. of Defense Tech
- Enqiang Zhou - National U. of Defense Tech
- Registered Orgs:
- OOE Orgs:
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