Meeting Agenda

March 5th - 7th, 2012

Logistics Agenda Presentations Attendance Votes Notes


All times US Central

Monday, March 5, 2012

Time Title Call Info Recording
1:00pm - 2:00pm Plenary Session: Hybrid working group -
Clarify MPI behavior when multiple MPI processes run in the same address space - formal reading Ticket #310
Zoom Info
2:00pm - 3:00pm Plenary Session: Hybrid working group -
Provide a mechanism for migrating threads between MPI processes - formal reading Ticket #311
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3:00pm - 4:00pm Plenary Session: Hybrid working group -
Helper Threads - formal reading Ticket #217
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4:00pm - 4:15pm Break
4:15pm - 6:30pm Planary Session: Fault Tolerance working group Formal Readings -
User-Level Failure Mitigation - Ticket #323,
Clarify MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL scope of abort - Ticket #324
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6:30pm - 7:30pm Dinner on own Zoom Info
7:30pm - 10:00pm Planary Session: Fault Tolerance working group Formal Readings -
User-Level Failure Mitigation - Ticket #323,
Clarify MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL scope of abort - Ticket #324
Zoom Info

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time Title Call Info Recording
8:45am - 9:30am Existing ticket 0 -
Mention C++ typedef deprecations - ticket #185,
Minor Text Correction / MPI_COMM_GET_NAME + MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME - ticket #207,
MPI-2.2 typo - missing parenthesis on page 272, line 25 - ticket #215,
Typo in the description of MPI_GROUP_INCL - ticket #254,
Missing headline for MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME - ticket #255,
Minor typos in pt2pt chapter - ticket #262,
wrong formula for the upper bound - ticket #263,
Typo in One-Sided chapter 11.4.4 - ticket #267,
Formatting issue in One-Sided chapter 11.4.4 - ticket #268,
MPI 2.1 Clarification - MPI_Cart_map with num_dims=0 - ticket #162,
s/legal/something_better/g - ticket #182,
MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME and MPI_Type/win_get_name - ticket #219,
Typo-Correction in ALLTOALLV - ticket #312
Zoom Info
9:30am - 10:00am Plenary Session: MPI_info object - formal reading - Ticket #271 Zoom Info
10:00am - 10:15am Votes Zoom Info
10:15am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 11:30am Votes Zoom Info
11:30am - 12:30pm Working lunch: Plenary Session: Formal Readings:
Add Immediate versions of nonblocking collective I/O routines (Koziel) - ticket #273,
Noncollective Communicator Creation(Dinan) - ticket #286
Zoom Info
12:30pm - 4:30pm Plenary Session: Formal Readings:
Update MPI_Intercomm_create to use collective tag space(Dinan) - ticket #305,
Update examples to not use deprecated constructs (where possible)(Tillier) - ticket #278,
Remove C++ Bindings(Tillier) - ticket #281,
MPI_UNWEIGHTED should not be NULL - ticket #294
Change MPI_OFFSET external32 size to 16 Bytes - ticket #196,
MPI_WAIT/TEST language unclear about non blocking I/O, Generalized, or collective requests - ticket #321,
Topology awareness in MPI_Dims_create(Balaji) - ticket #195,
Move MPI-1 deprecated functions to new Removed Interfaces chapter(Tillier) - ticket #303
Zoom Info
4:30pm - 4:45pm Break
4:45pm - 6:30pm Plenary Session: Formal Readings:
Clarification that MPI_Cart_map and MPI_Graph_map are local calls(Traff/Rabenseifner) - ticket #158,
For reductions: Grouping MPI_AINT, MPI_OFFSET, MPI_COUNT as Multi-language types(Ritzdorf/Rabenseifner) - ticket #187,
Clarify ambiguous sentence for MPI_FINALIZE(Snir) - ticket #227,
MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for MPI_PROBE and MPI_IPROBE not directly defined(Squyres) - ticket #256,
Text updates for MPI_DIST_GRAPH(Moody) - ticket #259
Zoom Info
6:30pm - 7:30pm Dinner on own Zoom Info
7:30pm - 9:30pm Plenary Session: Formal Readings:
Consistent use of [] for input arrays(Tillier) - ticket #126,
K&R style on 6.7.6(Tillier) - ticket #293
Zoom Info

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Time Title Call Info Recording
9:00am - 10:00am Plenary Session: Formal Reading:
Update examples to not use deprecated constructs (where possible)(Tillier) - ticket #278,
Plenary Session: Relaxing MPI_TYPE_GET_ENVELOPE combiner rules
Zoom Info
10:00am - 12:00pm Planary Session: Formal Readings
User-Level Failure Mitigation - Ticket #323,
MPI3 Fault Tolerance - Files - Ticket #326,
MPI3 Fault Tolerance - Dynamic process management - Ticket #327,
Clarify MPI behavior when multiple MPI processes run in the same address space - Ticket #310,
Provide a mechanism for migrating threads between MPI processes - Ticket #311,
Zoom Info
12:00pm - 12:30pm Working Lunch: Plenary Session: MPI 3.0 status Zoom Info
12:30pm - 3:30pm Plenary Session: Formal Readings:
Nonblocking Communicator Duplication - ticket #168,
MPI_IN_PLACE in Gather (Hoefler) - ticket #163,
Fix issue with definition of nonblocking in One Sided Chapter (Hoefler) - ticket #300,
Fix MPI_PROC_NULL behavior for mprobe/improbe/mrecv/imrecv - ticket #328,
Topology awareness in MPI_Dims_create - ticket #195,
C++ binding for Dist_graph_neighbors_count is badly broken - ticket #192,
Correct error related to MPI_REQUEST_FREE - ticket #317
Zoom Info


Ticket Zero Votes

Issue #PR #Topic
0 Big ticket 0 glob: #162, #182, #185, #207, #215, #219, #254, #255, #262, #263, #312, #322
125 Use of [] in output arrays
126 Consistent use of [] for input arrays
293 K&R style on 6.7.6
321 MPI_WAIT/TEST language unclear about non blocking I/O, Generalized, or collective requests.
158 Clarification that MPI_Cart_map and MPI_Graph_map are local calls
259 Text updates for MPI_DIST_GRAPH

First Vote

Issue #PR #Topic
308 RMA - Remove sentence on offset in datatypes
309 RMA - Clarify usage of status for request-based RMA operations
284 Allocate a shared memory window
280 Add a new datatype creation routine - MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block
168 Nonblocking Communicator Duplication
272 Remove non-blocking collective C++ bindings
286 Noncollective Communicator Creation
305 Update MPI_Intercomm_create to use collective tag space

Second Vote

Issue #PR #Topic
298 Adding clarification to MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL
229 New MPI-3 Fortran Support - #A: Overview over all related tickets
299 Change displs arguments in neighborhood w collectives to MPI_Aint