Up: C++ Bindings (deprecated)
Next: External Interfaces C++ Bindings
Previous: Process Creation and Management C++ Bindings
namespace MPI {
{ void Win::Accumulate(const void* origin_addr, int origin_count, const Datatype& origin_datatype, int target_rank, Aint target_disp, int target_count, const Datatype& target_datatype, const Op& op) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Complete() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ static Win Win::Create(const void* base, Aint size, int disp_unit, const Info& info, const Intracomm& comm) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Fence(int assert) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Free() (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Get(void *origin_addr, int origin_count, const Datatype& origin_datatype, int target_rank, Aint target_disp, int target_count, const Datatype& target_datatype) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Group Win::Get_group() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Lock(int lock_type, int rank, int assert) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Post(const Group& group, int assert) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Put(const void* origin_addr, int origin_count, const Datatype& origin_datatype, int target_rank, Aint target_disp, int target_count, const Datatype& target_datatype) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Start(const Group& group, int assert) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ bool Win::Test() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Unlock(int rank) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Win::Wait() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }

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(Unofficial) MPI-2.2 of September 4, 2009
HTML Generated on September 10, 2009