Up: C++ Bindings (deprecated)
Next: One-Sided Communications C++ Bindings
Previous: The Info Object C++ Bindings
namespace MPI {
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Accept(const char* port_name, const Info& info, int root) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Close_port(const char* port_name) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Connect(const char* port_name, const Info& info, int root) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Comm::Disconnect() (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ static Intercomm Comm::Get_parent() (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ static Intercomm Comm::Join(const int fd) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Lookup_name(const char* service_name, const Info& info, char* port_name) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Open_port(const Info& info, char* port_name) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Publish_name(const char* service_name, const Info& info, const char* port_name) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const Info& info, int root) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const Info& info, int root, int array_of_errcodes[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const Info array_of_info[], int root) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Intercomm Intracomm::Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const Info array_of_info[], int root, int array_of_errcodes[]) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Unpublish_name(const char* service_name, const Info& info, const char* port_name) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }

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(Unofficial) MPI-2.2 of September 4, 2009
HTML Generated on September 10, 2009