111. Correctness

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A correct, portable program must invoke collective communications so that deadlock will not occur, whether collective communications are synchronizing or not. The following examples illustrate dangerous use of collective routines on intracommunicators.

The following is erroneous.

switch(rank) { 
    case 0: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf2, count, type, 1, comm); 
    case 1: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf2, count, type, 1, comm); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
We assume that the group of comm is {0,1}. Two processes execute two broadcast operations in reverse order. If the operation is synchronizing then a deadlock will occur.

Collective operations must be executed in the same order at all members of the communication group.


The following is erroneous.

switch(rank) { 
    case 0: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm0); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf2, count, type, 2, comm2); 
    case 1: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 1, comm1); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf2, count, type, 0, comm0); 
    case 2: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 2, comm2); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf2, count, type, 1, comm1); 
Assume that the group of comm0 is {0,1}, of comm1 is {1, 2} and of comm2 is {2,0}. If the broadcast is a synchronizing operation, then there is a cyclic dependency: the broadcast in comm2 completes only after the broadcast in comm0; the broadcast in comm0 completes only after the broadcast in comm1; and the broadcast in comm1 completes only after the broadcast in comm2. Thus, the code will deadlock.

Collective operations must be executed in an order so that no cyclic dependences occur.


The following is erroneous.

switch(rank) { 
    case 0: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
        MPI_Send(buf2, count, type, 1, tag, comm); 
    case 1: 
        MPI_Recv(buf2, count, type, 0, tag, comm, status); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
Process zero executes a broadcast, followed by a blocking send operation. Process one first executes a blocking receive that matches the send, followed by broadcast call that matches the broadcast of process zero. This program may deadlock. The broadcast call on process zero may block until process one executes the matching broadcast call, so that the send is not executed. Process one will definitely block on the receive and so, in this case, never executes the broadcast.

The relative order of execution of collective operations and point-to-point operations should be such, so that even if the collective operations and the point-to-point operations are synchronizing, no deadlock will occur.


An unsafe, non-deterministic program.

switch(rank) { 
    case 0: 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
        MPI_Send(buf2, count, type, 1, tag, comm); 
    case 1: 
        MPI_Recv(buf2, count, type, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm, status); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
        MPI_Recv(buf2, count, type, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm, status); 
    case 2: 
        MPI_Send(buf2, count, type, 1, tag, comm); 
        MPI_Bcast(buf1, count, type, 0, comm); 
All three processes participate in a broadcast. Process 0 sends a message to process 1 after the broadcast, and process 2 sends a message to process 1 before the broadcast. Process 1 receives before and after the broadcast, with a wildcard source argument.

Two possible executions of this program, with different matchings of sends and receives, are illustrated in Figure 12 . Note that the second execution has the peculiar effect that a send executed after the broadcast is received at another node before the broadcast. This example illustrates the fact that one should not rely on collective communication functions to have particular synchronization effects. A program that works correctly only when the first execution occurs (only when broadcast is synchronizing) is erroneous.

Figure 12: A race condition causes non-deterministic matching of sends and receives. One cannot rely on synchronization from a broadcast to make the program deterministic.

Finally, in multithreaded implementations, one can have more than one, concurrently executing, collective communication call at a process. In these situations, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the same communicator is not used concurrently by two different collective communication calls at the same process.

Advice to implementors.

Assume that broadcast is implemented using point-to-point MPI communication. Suppose the following two rules are followed.

    1. All receives specify their source explicitly (no wildcards).
    2. Each process sends all messages that pertain to one collective call before sending any message that pertain to a subsequent collective call.
Then, messages belonging to successive broadcasts cannot be confused, as the order of point-to-point messages is preserved.

It is the implementor's responsibility to ensure that point-to-point messages are not confused with collective messages. One way to accomplish this is, whenever a communicator is created, to also create a ``hidden communicator'' for collective communication. One could achieve a similar effect more cheaply, for example, by using a hidden tag or context bit to indicate whether the communicator is used for point-to-point or collective communication. ( End of advice to implementors.)

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