Meeting Votes

December 8 - 11, 2014

Logistics Agenda Presentations Attendance Votes Notes
Registered: 23
Attended: 23
OOE: 23
Votes needed for individual vote quorum:

Individual organization's votes are show as colored blocks as follows:
Yes No Abstain Miss

  1. Vote Topic: #CHANGE SINCE 2-WEEK DEADLINE: Add Immediate versions of nonblocking collective I/O routines: 1st-and-only (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  2. Vote Topic: #CHANGE SINCE 2-WEEK DEADLINE: Add same_disp_unit info key for RMA window creation: 1st-and-only (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  3. Vote Topic: #CHANGE SINCE 2-WEEK DEADLINE: Errata: MPI_Aint addressing arithmetic: 1st-and-only (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  4. Vote Topic: #CHANGE SINCE 2-WEEK DEADLINE: Errata: Missing in C in wording about handle-comparison: 1st-and-only (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  5. Vote Topic: ##383: Consistency of tools information interface variable information: 1st (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 1 0

  6. Vote Topic: ##394: MPI_T: Clarify values of watermark variables between and during stopped and started periods: 1st (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  7. Vote Topic: ##433: Errata: MPI_WIN_ATTACH must only be for simply contiguous buffers: 1st (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  8. Vote Topic: ##441: Errata: Missing text for Fortran MPI_SUBARRAYS_SUPPORTED equals .FALSE.: 1st (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    1 0 0

  9. Vote Topic: ##444: Errata: Fortran and Persistent Requests: 1st (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  10. Vote Topic: ##431: Errata: MPI Address Errata: 1st (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 1

  11. Vote Topic: ##421: Errata: MPI_Aint addressing arithmetic (on top of 349/402/404): 1st (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 1

  12. Vote Topic: ##447: Errata: Tools section is an exception: no Fortran interface: 1st (19)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    1 0 1

  13. Vote Topic: ##449: Errata: Missing in C in wording about handle-comparison: 1st (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 1

  14. Vote Topic: ##451: Errata: Correcting description of nonblocking: 1st (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  15. Vote Topic: ##453: Errata: Avoidance of mpi_ / pmpi_ in C due to Fortran reasons: 1st (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  16. Vote Topic: ##273: Add Immediate versions of nonblocking collective I/O routines: 2nd (20)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 1 0

  17. Vote Topic: ##349: MPI_Aint addressing arithmetic: 2nd (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  18. Vote Topic: ##402: Update dynamic window example to use MPI_Aint_add: 2nd (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  19. Vote Topic: ##404: MPI_Aint diff arithmetic: 2nd (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  20. Vote Topic: ##369: Add same_disp_unit info key for RMA window creation: 2nd (21)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    0 0 0

  21. Vote Topic: #357: thread-safety of MPI_INITIALIZED,MPI_FINALIZED,MPI_QUERY_THREAD and MPI_IS_THREAD_MAIN in all uses for library correctness (2nd)
    Yes No Abstain Result
    21 0 0