3.4.2. MPI Procedures

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All MPI procedures can either be local or nonlocal---defined as follows:
Nonlocal procedure:
An MPI procedure is nonlocal if returning may require, during its execution,
some specific semantically-related MPI procedure to be called on another MPI process.
Local procedure:
An MPI procedure is local if it is not nonlocal.
An MPI operation is implemented as a set of one or more MPI
An MPI operation-related procedure
implements at least a part of a stage
of an MPI operation as described in Section MPI Operations.
An MPI operation-related procedure may also implement one or more stages of one or several MPI operations.
In certain cases, more than one MPI operation-related procedure may be
needed to implement a single stage.
There are also other MPI procedures that do not
implement any stage of any MPI operation.
The semantics of MPI operation-related procedures are described using two
orthogonal (independent) concepts: completeness (depends on which
stages are included) and locality. Such procedures can be either
incomplete, or completing, or freeing, or completing and freeing based
on the status of the associated operation at the time the procedure
Also, all such procedures can be described as either blocking or nonblocking,
but these latter two terms refer to combinations of the completeness
and locality concepts. Additionally, all MPI operation-related procedures can be
collective or noncollective.
The following are properties of MPI operation-related procedures:
Initialization procedure:
An MPI procedure is an initialization procedure if return from the
procedure indicates that the associated operation has completed its
initialization stage, which implies that the user has handed over
control of the argument list (but not contents of the data buffers) to
The user is still allowed to read or modify the contents of the data buffers.
If an initializing procedure is not also the freeing procedure of the associated
operation (see below) then the user is not permitted to deallocate
the data buffers or to modify the array arguments.
Starting procedure:
An MPI procedure is a starting procedure if return from the
procedure indicates that the associated operation has completed its
starting stage, which implies that the user has handed over control of
the data buffers to MPI.
If a starting procedure is not also a completing procedure of the
associated operation (see below) then the user is not permitted to
modify input data buffers or to read output data buffers.
Initiation procedure:
An MPI procedure is an initiation procedure if return from the
procedure indicates that both the initialization and
the starting stage have completed, which implies
control of the entire argument list is handed over to MPI.
Completing procedure:
An MPI procedure is called completing if return from the
procedure indicates that at least one associated operation has
finished its completion stage, which implies that the user can rely on
the content of the output data buffers and modify the content of input
and output data buffers of such operation(s). If a completing procedure is not also a
freeing procedure (see below) then the user is not permitted to
deallocate the data buffers or to modify the array
Incomplete procedure:
An MPI procedure is called incomplete if it
is not a completing procedure.
Freeing procedure:
An MPI procedure is freeing if return from the procedure
indicates that at least one associated operation has finished its freeing
stage, which implies that the user can reuse all parameters specified
when initializing such associated operation(s).
Nonblocking procedure:
An MPI procedure is nonblocking if it is incomplete and
Blocking procedure:
An MPI procedure is blocking if it is not nonblocking.
Advice to users.
Note that for operation-related MPI procedures, in most cases
incomplete procedures are local and completing procedures are nonlocal.
Exceptions are noted where such procedures are defined.
In many cases an additional prefix
letter I as an abbreviation of the words incomplete
and immediate marks nonblocking procedures in the procedure name.
Some categorization examples are listed below.
Nonblocking procedures:
- incomplete and local: MPI_ISEND, MPI_IRECV, MPI_IBCAST,
Blocking procedures:
- completing and nonlocal: MPI_SEND, MPI_RECV, MPI_BCAST, ...
- incomplete and nonlocal: MPI_MPROBE, MPI_BCAST_INIT, ...,
- completing and local: MPI_BSEND, MPI_RSEND, MPI_MRECV.
MPI procedures that are not MPI operation-related:
( End of advice to users.)
Collective procedure:
An MPI procedure is collective if all processes in a group or groups of MPI processes need to invoke the procedure.
Initialization procedures of collective operations over the same
process group must be executed in the same order by all members of the
process group.
An MPI collective procedure is synchronizing if it will
only return once all processes in the associated group or groups of MPI processes have called the
appropriate matching MPI procedure.
The initiation procedures for nonblocking collective operations and
the starting procedures for persistent collective operations are local
and shall not be synchronizing.
All other procedures for collective operations,
such as for blocking collective operations and the
initialization procedures for persistent collective operations, may or
may not be synchronizing.
Advice to users.
Calling any synchronizing function is erroneous when there is no possibility of
corresponding calls at all other processes in the associated process
Waiting for completion of any collective operation is erroneous when there is no possibility
that all other processes in the associated group will be able to start
the corresponding operation.
( End of advice to users.)
Noncollective procedure:
Noncollective procedures are defined as procedures that are not collective.
The definition of
MPI procedures
can also be applied to a specific procedure invocation or to procedure calls under certain constraints.
For example, a call to a completing receive procedure that happens after the related
send operation was already started may be described as local, even though the completing receive procedure without the constraint is nonlocal.
More generally, a call to any completing procedure that happens after the operation was already
is local, even if the completing procedure without the constraint is nonlocal.
Another example, a call to a blocking collective procedure using a process group of size one is local, even if the blocking collective procedure without the constraint is nonlocal.

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