A Fortran compiler may implement permanent data movement during the execution of a Fortran program. This would require that pointers to such data are appropriately updated. An implementation with automatic garbage collection is one use case. Such permanent data movement is in conflict with MPI in several areas:
Using separated variables for overlapping communication and computation to allow
the protection of nonblocking communication with the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute.
USE mpi_f08 REAL :: b(0:101) ! elements 0 and 101 are halo cells REAL :: bnew(0:101) ! elements 1 and 100 are newly computed INTEGER :: i CALL separated_sections(b(0), b(1:100), b(101), bnew(0:101)) i=1 ! compute leftmost element bnew(i) = function(b(i-1), b(i), b(i+1)) i=100 ! compute rightmost element bnew(i) = function(b(i-1), b(i), b(i+1)) END SUBROUTINE separated_sections(b_lefthalo, b_inner, b_righthalo, bnew) USE mpi_f08 REAL, ASYNCHRONOUS :: b_lefthalo(0:0), b_inner(1:100), b_righthalo(101:101) REAL :: bnew(0:101) ! elements 1 and 100 are newly computed TYPE(MPI_Request) :: req(4) INTEGER :: left, right, i CALL MPI_Cart_shift(...,left,right,...) CALL MPI_Irecv(b_lefthalo ( 0), ..., left, ..., req(1), ...) CALL MPI_Irecv(b_righthalo(101), ..., right, ..., req(2), ...) ! b_lefthalo and b_righthalo is written asynchronously. ! There is no other concurrent access to b_lefthalo and b_righthalo. CALL MPI_Isend(b_inner( 1), ..., left, ..., req(3), ...) CALL MPI_Isend(b_inner(100), ..., right, ..., req(4), ...) DO i=2,99 ! compute only elements for which halo data is not needed bnew(i) = function(b_inner(i-1), b_inner(i), b_inner(i+1)) ! b_inner is read and sent at the same time. ! This is allowed based on the rules for ASYNCHRONOUS. END DO CALL MPI_Waitall(4,req,...) END SUBROUTINE