Up: C++ Bindings (deprecated)
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namespace MPI {
{ void Compute_dims(int nnodes, int ndims, int dims[]) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Cartcomm Intracomm::Create_cart(int ndims, const int dims[], const bool periods[], bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Graphcomm Intracomm::Create_graph(int nnodes, const int index[], const int edges[], bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create(int n, const int sources[], const int degrees[], const int destinations[], const int weights[], const Info& info, bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create(int n, const int sources[], const int degrees[], const int destinations[], const Info& info, bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create_adjacent(int indegree, const int sources[], const int sourceweights[], int outdegree, const int destinations[], const int destweights[], const Info& info, bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create_adjacent(int indegree, const int sources[], int outdegree, const int destinations[], const Info& info, bool reorder) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Cartcomm::Get_cart_rank(const int coords[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Cartcomm::Get_coords(int rank, int maxdims, int coords[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Cartcomm::Get_dim() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Graphcomm::Get_dims(int nnodes[], int nedges[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Distgraphcomm::Get_dist_neighbors(int maxindegree, int sources[], int sourceweights[], int maxoutdegree, int destinations[], int destweights[]) (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Distgraphcomm::Get_dist_neighbors_count(int rank, int indegree[], int outdegree[], bool& weighted) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Graphcomm::Get_neighbors(int rank, int maxneighbors, int neighbors[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Graphcomm::Get_neighbors_count(int rank) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Cartcomm::Get_topo(int maxdims, int dims[], bool periods[], int coords[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Graphcomm::Get_topo(int maxindex, int maxedges, int index[], int edges[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Comm::Get_topology() const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Cartcomm::Map(int ndims, const int dims[], const bool periods[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ int Graphcomm::Map(int nnodes, const int index[], const int edges[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ void Cartcomm::Shift(int direction, int disp, int& rank_source, int& rank_dest) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }
{ Cartcomm Cartcomm::Sub(const bool remain_dims[]) const (binding deprecated, see Section Deprecated since MPI-2.2
) }

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(Unofficial) MPI-2.2 of September 4, 2009
HTML Generated on September 10, 2009